Again - no block of the day.
We arrived early and stopped off at the WRVS cafe to have a bacon buttie! And then Richard went through to book in. His appointment was 12.05 p.m., and he went on more or less on time. By 12.45 p.m. we were in the car and on our way home! Fantastic!
I texted various people with the news 'finished' and had some choice replies - thanks Lucy! Just the right note perhaps? We drove over to Dunham and the Axe and Cleaver to join John, Margaret, Brian, Judith, Ferdi and Madeleine. After our late breakfast, we didn't feel like eating anything but it felt good to be celebrating the end of the journey with family and friends.
Richard now has to go back on 27th October - after a PSA blood test - for a clinic appointment at Warrington General, and then will go every two months for a while to make sure that everything is working as it should.
So - in the words of Bugs Bunny - that's all, folks! And in the spirit of the cinema, we have to list some credits -
- All the radiographers, doctors, clinic staff, WRVS ladies and all the rest of the staff at the Oncology Centre, Clatterbridge, for their wonderful care and treatment. And I suppose for all the people who invented and maintained the amazing machinery that has been zapping Richard for the past 37 appointments. There have been days when it hasn't worked as it should, but where would we be without it all.
- All the friends and family who have been following this blog and for their care and good wishes. It may be the most boring blog going, but it's been fun to do and it's kept everyone up to date.
- The SAAB for getting us there without any problems. Approximately 2,220 miles travelled and I've lost track of how much fuel used - but it will be a lot! And at least there were no car parking fees to pay!
- Some good friends made among the fellow patients. There is something about being amongst others who are going through the same thing that makes it all more bearable.
- Chris and Tony for giving up their time to take Richard over to the Wirral so that I could attend my exhibition. They had a good time, having lunch in pubs etc., but they have been good friends and are greatly appreciated.
So - this is the end of the blog. If we have any more journeys worthy of note in the future, it may be resurrected.
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